Venturing into the confines of the densest urban areas, the UrbanVision project is a true revolution in the way we see and interact with our cities. Equipped with cutting-edge technology, such as LIDAR and high-precision GNSS, we are mapping and identifying residences quickly and accurately. intelligence, we are accelerating this process! Now, surveying a neighborhood can be completed in up to 2 months, bringing agility and efficiency to each step of the process.




Carbon Sequestration:


SIMF is also capable of estimating the amount of carbon that trees in the area can capture and store. Given the relevance of carbon sequestration in mitigating the effects of climate change, this data is extremely important for the local community and the promotion of sustainability policies.




Potential Densification:


Based on the data collected by SIMF, we can analyze the potential need for densification of green areas in the Córrego do Jenipapo neighborhood. By studying the distribution of detected trees, we can identify locations where tree density can be increased, bringing benefits such as improved air quality, reduction of urban heat, and promotion of population well-being.


House/Tree Ratio:


Additionally, SIMF allows us to evaluate the ratio between the number of houses and the number of trees in the region. This ratio is an interesting indicator to understand the relationship between urban space occupied by buildings and the presence of green areas. This data assists in sustainable urban planning, aiming to balance urban development with environmental preservation.


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